[tlhIngan Hol] how to express "look forward to"

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Thu Apr 25 00:40:03 PDT 2019

I was trying to express something along the lines of, "Now that Discovery
is off the air, I don't have a show to look forward to today."

My first thought was something along the lines of:
{DaH rInpu'mo' DISqa'vI'rIy, Dach much vI[X]bogh}, where X = "anticipate,
look forward to", but we don't seem to have such a verb.

{pIH} isn't quite right, I think. It works for a positive sense of
anticipating or looking forward to something that will happen ({Such meb
'e' vIpIH}), but not in the negative sense of something which is missed
({Suchbe' meb 'e' vIpIH}).

Of course, I could just say something like {rInpu'mo' jI'IQ} but that's not
expressing the nuance of anticipation.


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