[tlhIngan Hol] Three things I would ask maltz

Felix Malmenbeck felixm at kth.se
Mon Apr 22 14:40:29 PDT 2019

> (Felix, 7/25/2016):  Also, according to DeCandido, the {bolmaq} is more similar to a hyena than a sheep.

> I believe I asked this question in connection with the Minecraft translation

Source for this:


That being said, we now have the canonical word {DI'raq} for "a fluffy, woolly, shaggy Klingon animal [...] similar to a sheep".
You might want to ask yourself what properties of the goat it is you are interested in that would make this word unsuitable. Perhaps something like a {pu' DI'raq}, {veD tIqbe' DI'raq}, {HuD DI'raq} or {Hoch Sopqangbogh DI'raq} or would be suitable?

Goats are also kind of like small sarks, being horselike animals with horns, so something like {tera' SarghHom} might work (although it might also describe a pony).


There is also an animal called a Degebian mountain goat which is apparently known to Klingons; Kor referred to it in a conversation with Worf in an episode of DS9.

However, McCoy also mentions it in a conversation with Kirk in a TOS-era novel, so it's probably not uniquely associated with Klingons.



From: tlhIngan-Hol <tlhingan-hol-bounces at lists.kli.org> on behalf of Steven Boozer <sboozer at uchicago.edu>
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2019 22:11
To: tlhingan-hol at kli.org
Subject: Re: [tlhIngan Hol] Three things I would ask maltz

*{meQbogh naqHom tIq} was used for incense in GILGAMESH.  In the past {noSvagh} "deodorant" has been used for both incense and perfume (KBTP) for lack of an alternative.

The spellings *{bolmaq} and *{aDanjI'} both appeared in Keith DeCandido's Klingon pro-novels.  The *{bolmaq} was defined as: "An animal native to the planet Boreth that makes a bleating sound and tends to run around in circles a lot." (KRAD).

(Felix, 7/25/2016):  Also, according to DeCandido, the {bolmaq} is more similar to a hyena than a sheep. I believe I asked this question in connection with the Minecraft translation.

*Adanji* incense was burned during the Mauk-to'Vor death ritual (DS9 "Sons of Mogh").  In VOY "Nothing Human" B'Ellana was burning some unidentified incense in her quarters when Janeway enters.
B'ELLANA:  It's a combination of mental relaxant and expeller of demons.
                     It's an ancient Klingon remedy.
JANEWAY:  Interesting fragrance. I'm surprised it hasn't set off the
                     environmental alarms.


From: Jackson Bradley

mu'na' bIH mu'vam'e' 'e' vISovbejbe' 'a *bolmaq*, *'aDanjI'* je DIghaj.

Le lun. 22 avr. 2019, à 15 h 46, mayqel qunen'oS <mihkoun at gmail.com<mailto:mihkoun at gmail.com>> a écrit :

DaH matlh vIlegh net jalchugh, vaj wej De' vIghojmeH, matlh vIyu':

i. Qo'noSDaq, *goat* rurbogh Ha'DIbaH'e' tu'lu''a' ?

ii. Qo'noSDaq, *incense*vaD nuq lupong ?
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