[tlhIngan Hol] For our Master of Ca'Non !

Will Martin willmartin2 at mac.com
Sat Apr 20 04:24:21 PDT 2019

Excessive, overly, to an excessive degree, too much...

All of these terms imply that there’s an action that might have a positive effect up to a point, but if you do it more than that, it has a negative effect, and you have crossed the line and created this negative effect.

“Too wise” is a particularly odd phrase.

Think of it like “I ate too much; I ate excessively, I ate to an excessive degree. Now, my stomach aches and I feel uncomfortably stuffed, and I feel regret that I am not achieving my goal of losing weight. I might even be on the verge of throwing up. I’m miserable because I ate too much.”

Or, “I drank too much.” I did embarrassing things I would never do sober. I passed out. I woke up in the hospital, having nearly died from alcohol poisoning. {tlhoy HIq vItlhutlh.}

One tends to regret having done anything to the degree that is appropriate for {tlhoy}.

It doesn’t just mean “a lot”. It means “too much”.

The word itself is a pun on the English word “cloy”, which refers to excessive sweetness — when something is so sweet that the sweetness is a bad thing; something so sweet you can’t eat it without making a “yuck” face.

Sent from my iPad

> On Apr 18, 2019, at 5:07 AM, mayqel qunen'oS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
> charghwI':
> > {tlhoy} means "too much"
> It also means "overly, to an excessive degree, excessively".
> The intended meaning was "because he was overly generous/because he worked excessively/and so on.."
> I can't see how it is fails to convey the intended meaning. Could you explain further why you find it isn't appropriate ?
> ~ m. qunen'oS
> one Ca'Non to rule them all..
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