[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon argument in Discovery ep. "Through the Valley of Shadows"

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Mon Apr 15 03:45:32 PDT 2019

Warning: the following contains spoilers.

Whatever you may think of Star Trek Discovery season 1, it had a lot of
good spoken Klingon. From a Klingon language point of view, season 2 was
disappointing as they've drastically cut that back.

However, there was one really good bit of dialogue in season 2 episode 12,
"Through the Valley of Shadows". It was an argument in Klingon between
Chancellor L'Rell and Ash Tyler, a Starfleet officer who is sort-of father
to L'Rell son and speaks Klingon because... well, you just have to watch
the show to understand.

The dialogue consisted of short, choppy sentences spoken rapidly, and even
used {jabbI'ID}, which I believe we haven't seen onscreen since Star Trek
III, so it was really a callback to the origins of the Klingon language.

Info about this can be found on the Klingon Wiki:

Here's the dialogue (my transcription, so if anyone hears or knows
differently, speak up):

Ash: chora'meH DIb Daghajbe'.
L'Rell: ghaH Qan chut: not Qumlu'.
Ash: chut choH jabbI'IDvam.
L'Rell: meqqoqvetlh SIQlaHbe' puqloDma'.

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