[tlhIngan Hol] meaning of {DIn} (was Re: Is DIn the opposite of qa'rI' ?)

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Tue Apr 2 22:36:11 PDT 2019

On Fri, 29 Mar 2019 at 09:30, De'vID <de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, 27 Mar 2019 at 20:50, Steven Boozer <sboozer at uchicago.edu> wrote:
>> To get the discussion started...
>> (HQ 12.2:7-8):  For the end of a longish enclosed space that one is
>> typically inside of or experiences from the inside, such as a corridor,
>> tunnel, or conduit (say, a Jeffries tube or a branch of the sewers of
>> Paris), a different word is used: {qa'rI'}.  This is the only word; it's
>> used for both (or all) ends.  The open entryway leading into such a space
>> is called a {Din}.  If there's a door there, it's referred to by the usual
>> word for door, {lojmIt}.
How do people understand the antecedents of "there" and "it" in the last
sentence? "If there's a door [[there]], [[it]]'s referred to by the usual
word for door, {lojmIt}."

The KLI New Klingon Words list says this:
> {DIn} n. Open entryway (to corridor, tunnel, conduit, Jeffries tube,
> branch of sewer) [This is the open entryway of any enclosed space longer
> than wide in which people might find themselves. If there is a door that
> closes, this is not a {DIn}. It is merely a {lojmIt}.]
> This seems to be an interpretation which has added something to the
> original. In the original, it just says "a door", not "a door that closes".

Having re-read the original definition of {DIn} given in HolQeD 12.2, I'm
not convinced that the description given in the KLI New Words List is

Here is how I read the sentence:
"If there's a door there [at the open entryway, i.e., the {DIn}], it [the
door]'s referred to by the usual word for door, {lojmIt}."

That is, the open entryway leading into a corridor or tunnel is called a
{DIn} (regardless of whether there's a door or not), and if there's a door,
the door is called by the usual word {lojmIt} (unlike in English, where
there are special words like "hatch" or "gate"). That is, the fact of a
door being at the entryway does not make it a "closed" entryway. It still
counts as "open" because it's how you access the corridor or tunnel. If
there's a tunnel which leads to a dead end, you still refer to the end
which isn't a dead end as the "open" entryway, even if there's a door there.

The person who wrote up the description in the KLI New Words List
apparently read it differently in this way:
"If there's a door there [at the end of the longish enclosed space, i.e.,
the {qa'rI'}], it [the entryway]'s referred to by the usual word for door,

The antecedent for "it" has to be taken to be "the entryway" (rather than
"the door") to arrive at the interpretation that the entryway is *not* a
{DIn}, but "merely a {lojmIt}". But the previous sentence says "the open
entryway", so if "it" refers to that, it still doesn't fit the
interpretation. Also, taking "there" to refer to the {qa'rI'}, rather than
the {DIn} in the immediately previously sentence, seems like reaching back
too far.

What do other people think? Or is there additional evidence that supports
the interpretation given in the New Words List?

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