[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: Hochlogh

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Sep 10 06:29:37 PDT 2018

 Hochlogh no' yIquvmoH
  All times honor your ancestors. (KGT)

 tagha' tIq Hoch botlh
    Hochlogh Dat joqtaHjaj
  And finally Tiq, the heart and center of all things,
    May it forever beat, anywhere. (PB)

naDev Sughompu'
   Suto'vo'qor wIghoSmeH ngoQmaj'e'
   DaH tIQoy
pa' qeylISma' wIvan
   nItebHa' maSuv
   Hochlogh maSuv
nItebHa' maSuv
   Hochlogh maSuv
   nItebHa' maSuv
Hochlogh maSuv
   pa' qeylISma' wIvan
   Hochlogh wItlhej

Hear now,
   All of you here
   Why we go to Sto-vo-kor
And greet our Kahless there,
   To join him in battle
   For eternity
To join him in battle
   Join him in battle
   For eternity
We meet our Kahless there,
   To join him for eternity
   For eternity.  (PB)
(KGT 178):  Similarly, when -logh is attached to Hoch (all), the resulting word, Hochlogh (all times), is used in the same way as reH (always), as in Hochlogh no' yIquvmoH (All times honor your ancestors...); compare reH no' yIquvmoH (Always honor your ancestors).

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

From: nIqolay Q

Interestingly, {Hochlogh} was used instead of {reH} in the paq'batlh to translate the idea of "forever".

Klingon Word of the Day for Saturday, September 08, 2018

Klingon word: Hochlogh
Part of speech: adv
Definition: all times, always (emphatic)

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