[tlhIngan Hol] -be on -egh and -chuq

Ed Bailey bellerophon.modeler at gmail.com
Sat Sep 8 20:48:54 PDT 2018

So if the rover in has the effect of negating the whole thing anyway in
both *maleghbe''egh* and *malegh'eghbe'*, then what might be a reason for
Klingons to say it one way rather than the other? Maybe they just say what
sounds more natural to them. To me, the latter sounds more natural because
of *SuvwI'pu' qan tu'lu'be'* in TKW. (This is what finally got me to switch
from saying *tu'be'lu'*, which originally seemed more logical to me, since
I have no idea what negating *-lu'* would even mean. That, and I came to
dislike the sing-songy sound of *tu'be'lu'*. But I digress.)

Another possibility is emphasis. Let's suppose Klingons usually say
*malegh'eghbe'*. In that case, maybe Klingons say *maleghbe''egh* to mean
"We don't *see* each other." To emphasize "each other," perhaps they'd just
say *malegh'eghbe'* with more stress on the *-'egh*. (And to emphasize
"we," there's *malegh'eghbe' maH*.)

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