[tlhIngan Hol] Greetings and a question

RE Andeen eric.andeen at outlook.com
Sun Sep 2 15:26:16 PDT 2018

Both are correct Klingon. The first is Alice and Carol are my sisters. The second is Alice is my sister and Carol is my sister.



> On Sep 2, 2018, at 3:17 PM, James Stephenson <c4p7.fl1n7 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all.
> My name is James and I *will* learn Klingon, or give up in shame and
> ignominy. However at this current point in time, I am still a rank
> beginner. If this list is not the place for beginners, than I
> apologize and will lurk until I know more.
> I have read through TKD, and am doing the lessons on KLI. I'm doing a
> two to three KLI lessons a week, and putting the vocab introduced in
> them into Anki. I've just completed the lesson on basic family vocab,
> which leads me to my question.
> Let's say I have two sisters named Alice and Carol. What would be the
> best way to say "Alice and Carol are my sisters"?
> Would it be
> be'nI'wI' chaH Alice'e' Carol'e' je
> or
> be'nI'wI' ghaH Alice'e' 'ej be'nI'wI' ghaH Carol'e'
> or something else entirely?
> Thank you for your many inevitable corrections.
> James
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