[tlhIngan Hol] Relevance of language ability to third person singular pronouns

Daniel Dadap daniel at dadap.net
Mon Sep 10 13:38:27 PDT 2018

> On Sep 10, 2018, at 15:23, SuStel <sustel at trimboli.name> wrote:
> So lemme get this straight. You guys think that ghaH is for any singular thing the speaker believes can communicate in some way, 'oH is for any singular thing the speaker believes cannot communicate in any way, chaH is for plural beings capable of using language regardless of what you think about them, and bIH is for plural things not capable of using languages regardless of what you thinking about them. Except at night, on Tuesday, of course.

I don’t think that per se. I’m just asking if such a mess is possible. Trying to interpret the words we have been given so far, which haven’t used completely consistent language. My personal interpretation, at this time, is that 'oH/ghaH and bIH/chaH are divided along the same line, that the determination about which to use may be subject to the speaker’s personal point of view, and that the “capable of language” language we’re accustomed to might actually mean something slightly broader. I am open to accepting other interpretations and changing my mind down the road, but that’s how I currently see things.

> You don't think that Okrand just got tired of saying "capable of using language" and shortened it to "communicate"?

He very well may have. Just like he called the chuvmey “latlh” in some presentation recently. I’m just leaving open the possibility that he does mean these as different things.

> What are the odds of getting a Royal Fizbin, anyway?

I don’t know. All of the time based rules get more complicated when you have players spanning multiple time zones.

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