[tlhIngan Hol] qepHom to come vocabulary wishlist

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Thu Oct 18 02:54:14 PDT 2018

Am 18.10.2018 um 11:45 schrieb Michael Kúnin:
> How was it formed this time?

Contrary to the qep'a' wishlist, which is announced on several places 
and goes through a complicated voting and filter system, the qepHom 
wishlist is not public and just limited to attendees of the qepHom.

> Also, are there more details on the newest word {wev} (v) "sketch, 
> doodle" besides "a quick drawing, not a careful one"?

Here's the complete message from Okrand. That was intended to be 
published in the qepHom booklet, but as you ask, here we go:

Maltz says there is a verb {wev} that means "sketch" or "doodle." The 
object of this verb is the image that's drawn.  The notion is that it is 
a quick drawing, not a careful one.

In English, the word "doodle" implies that the person doing the doodling 
is not paying attention to what is being drawn or sketched.  The person 
is at a meeting or on hold on the phone and is bored perhaps. The 
Klingon word does not necessarily have this connotation.

Sometimes the picture that results from {wev}-ing is identifiable (so if 
you say {DI'raq vIwev}, hopefully you end up with a picture that is 
identifiable as a sheep-like animal).  But sometimes the result is not 
easily identifiable or namable — it's just circles or squiggles or 
jagged lines or a mishmash of things.  In that case, the "picture" can 
be called a {yay}.  Maltz thought that there must be some sort of 
connection, historically at least, between this {yay} and {yay} meaning 
"victory" or "triumph," but he said he didn't know what it was (or if, 
for sure, there is one).

Although the implement used to {wev} the drawing/sketch/doodle could be 
anything, it is not common to use {wev} if the implement is a {rItlh naQ}.

And, anticipating a question, I asked Maltz if there was any connection 
between this verb and the noun {wev} meaning "row (in a 
table/spreadsheet)."  He said he didn't think so.

Maltz said he'd never read "The Little Prince" in any language before 
and he was very curious about why there was so much fuss about the 
drawing of a sheep.  He's looking forward to finding out.

  - Marc

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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