[tlhIngan Hol] Is this use of {je} correct ?

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Thu Oct 18 10:33:24 PDT 2018

On 10/18/2018 12:49 PM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> What do you mean by saying "untied ideas ?"

Sometimes you can say two separate things, but you want to tie them 
together to make them more closely related. For instance, in Klingon, we 
have a canonical utterance: *targhlIj yIngagh! yIruch!* /Go mate with 
your targ!/ This is not expressing two unrelated ideas; it's combining 
two closely related ideas. You're not being commanded just to proceed; 
you're being commanded to proceed on some predefined activity — defined 
in the previous command.

There's no formula for this; you have to figure out how closely related 
your ideas are for each instance.

When you say *Daj 'ej Huj,* you're giving equal weight to how 
interesting and how strange the subject is. When you say *Daj; Huj je,* 
you're giving precedence to how interesting the subject is; being 
strange is almost an afterthought. To me, *Daj 'ej Huj je* gives the 
same precedence to *Daj,* leaving *Huj* as an afterthought. It's 
interesting. Oh, yes, it's also strange.

There's an expression in English: /also-ran 
It's a noun used to indicate a lesser competitor. They 
ran/competed/tried too, but they failed to achieve as much as the 
winner(s). An also-ran is a mildly pathetic figure. Logically it might 
seem like you could use the word to point to anyone else who "also ran," 
with equal importance, but it doesn't mean that. The /also/ is a 
minimizer at the same time it joined the also-ran with the winner. This 
is an example of how the word /also/ can affect precedence. (I don't 
mean to suggest that using *je* necessarily means a lesser precedence. 
Just that it doesn't, to me, seem to have the same power as *'ej.*)


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