[tlhIngan Hol] qey'Hav: Clarification?

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Sun Nov 18 01:22:29 PST 2018

I wrote:
{boQwI' 'oH; wa' meqmo' vIyajlaHbe'bogh, motlh jIghItlhtaHvIS jIjatlhchugh,
jatlh boQwI', janglu': boQwI' jatlh yIjatlhQo' !}

But I should have moved the {motlh}, and placed the {wa' meqmo'
vIyajlaHbe'bogh} before the {janglu'}, thus writing:

{boQwI' 'oH; jIghItlhtaHvIS jIjatlhchugh, jatlh boQwI', ghIq motlh wa'
meqmo' vIyajlaHbe'bogh janglu': boQwI' jatlh, yIjatlhQo' !}

And I added a {ghIq} too. maj; now I can rest..

~ mayqel qunen'oS
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