[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: mupwI'

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue May 29 07:33:30 PDT 2018

Klingon word: mupwI'
Part of speech: noun
Definition: hammer
Source: KGT (220 KE, 244 EK)

mupwI' yI'uchtaH
Keep holding the hammer! TKW

HoSghaj; mupwI' rur
powerful as a hammer [common simile] KGT 

(TKW 120):  the hammer is a symbol of power to Klingons

(KGT 129):  for a Klingon, a hammer is a symbol of power. The phrase {HoSghaj; mupwI' rur} ("powerful as a hammer") is based on this notion.

Derived from {mup} "impact,  strike":

pay' HIvDI' lo'wI' pagh mupDI' QIHchu' bIH [They] provide a damaging surprise attack or give a devastating backhand stroke. SP2

muptaHvIS tay''eghmoH QeHDaj Hoch
All his rage focused in one blow  (PB)

pe'vIl mupmeH betleH Qach
The Mighty Blow of the Bat'leth (PB; title)

mupwI'Hom  	mallet (for striking a musical instrument) (n)
Hut'In 		nail (n)
wIl 		spike (n)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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