[tlhIngan Hol] 2018 qep'a' Proverb Contest

Alan Anderson alan at kli.org
Thu May 24 12:01:54 PDT 2018

2018 is the 25th anniversary of the Power Klingon audiobook by Marc Okrand
and Barry Levine. In it we learned about Replacement Proverbs ("to replace
lost respect with newly earned respect after one has been embarrassed in a
public setting") and Secrecy Proverbs ("used in situations where you want
to show that you can keep a secret under *any* conditions").

Several years ago, KLI members helped to discover a previously unknown
Replacement Proverb (jagh yIbuStaH! "Focus on the enemy!") and Secrecy
Proverb ('Iw HIq yap tu'lu'be'. "Sufficient bloodwine does not exist.").

In conjunction with the Klingon Language Institute's qep'a' cha'maH
vaghDIch, we are holding a competition to seek more proverbs. Each member
of the KLI (paid or guest) is eligible to submit either a Replacement
Proverb or a Secrecy Proverb. Those who have purchased a Supporting
Membership to the qep'a' may submit both a Replacement Proverb and a
Secrecy Proverb. Attending Members are allowed to submit two of each type,
for a total of four proverbs.

Entries may be saved and revised at any time until the contest closes June
25. The submissions will then be anonymously reviewed by a panel of
experts, and a list of the best candidate proverbs will be given to Marc
Okrand. He will announce a new Replacement Proverb and a new Secrecy
Proverb at the qep'a' in July.

Full contest rules, and a link to the submission page, are at

-- Alan
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