[tlhIngan Hol] {boQwI'} (for iOS) UI translations

Daniel Dadap daniel at dadap.net
Sun May 20 07:09:51 PDT 2018


I’m preparing an update to the iOS version of boQwI' which, among other things, will offer UI translations in German and Klingon. I reused the existing translations where possible, but the UI of the port isn’t identical to the original app, so I had to come up with my own translations in a few places.

I don’t speak Klingon (or German) particularly well, so if anybody has time to review the translations and suggest improvements it would be much appreciated. In particular, the Klingon translation for the “helptext” asset probably needs some work. (In the original app, the help text is part of the database, but in order to allow the help text to be different for the port, it’s independent from the database.) You can view the translation strings at: https://github.com/dadap/flingon-assister/blob/master/lib/l10n.dart

Thanks in advance to anybody who can help.
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