[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: vIbHa'

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon May 14 08:15:33 PDT 2018

Klingon word: vIbHa'
Part of speech: verb
Definition: move through time toward the past
Source: qep'a' 23  [2016]

vIb  	time-travel into the future,  move through time toward the future (v)

  wa'vatlh DIS vIvIb
  I time-travel 100 years into the future. (qep'a' 2016)

  jIvIb.  qaSDI' vatlh DIS poH cha'maH Hut, jImev 
  I time-travel to the 29th century. (qep'a' 2016)

vIbHa'  	time-travel into the past,  move through time toward the past (v) 

  jIvIbHa'pu' 'ej qeylIS vIqIHpu' 
  I time-travelled into the past and I met Kahless. (qep'a' 2016)

  jIvIbHa'.  wejHu' jImev 
  I time-travel three days into the past. (qep'a' 2016) 

[(qep'a' 2016):  ... that is, I stop three days prior to a time referenced in the conversation, not necessarily three days prior to making this utterance.]

pa'logh 	past, the past (as a whole)" (n) (qep'a' 2016)
'op ret 		"at some point in the past" (qep'a' 2016)

tuch 		future, the future (as a whole) (n) (qep'a' 2016)
'op pIq 		"at some point in the future" (qep'a' 2016)
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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