[tlhIngan Hol] The Gospel of Matthew

Michael Roney, Jr. nahqun at gmail.com
Fri May 4 09:28:40 PDT 2018

I took over as coordinator for the Klingon Bible Translation Project back
in 2015.
(I have rebranded it as the Religious Text Translation Project to encourage
folks to translate texts besides just the bible.
Every so often people mention translating the Qur'an, but I haven't
actually seen any drafts.)

Not much of The Bible has actually been translated.
The book of Mark is by far the biggest chunk of text.

I would love to see Mathew completed.

Translating from Greek is totally encouraged.
Mark was also translated from Greek.

I highly encourage posting of drafts and completed texts here to this list.
I also encourage completed drafts to be included on the Wiki for posteritiy

RTTP Coordinator
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