[tlhIngan Hol] privacy policy

Daniel Dadap daniel at dadap.net
Tue May 29 16:00:31 PDT 2018

> On May 29, 2018, at 11:21, Steven Boozer <sboozer at uchicago.edu> wrote:
> De'vID :
>>> How would one translate "privacy" in "privacy policy"? We have {ngoch} for
>>> "policy".   {GDPRmo' *privacy* ngochmaj bopbogh De' chu' pIja': ...}
> Daniel Dadap:
>> As far as GPDR is concerned, maybe something like {De' tlhIn} for “personal
>> information”?
> {De' tlhIn} "particular/individual information"
>> It’s not “privacy” per se, but something based on {pegh}  doesn’t seem quite right.
> As others have pointed out over the years, there's no Klingon word for "be private".  I think {pegh} "keep something secret, be secret, classified" and {peghHa'moH} "cause to not keep a secret" (cf. KGT p.153) come pretty close (at least from the Klingon point of view):
>  pegh De'vetlh 
>  That is classified information. CK
>  De' pegh vIghaj 
>  I have secret information. PK
>  pegh vIttlhegh 
>  A proverb keeps things secret. (HQ 5.1)
> (HQ 5.1):  Infrequently the singular {pegh} "secret" (rather than the plural {peghmey}) is heard, shortening the construction to {pegh vIttlhegh}.  Since {pegh} is also a verb (meaning "keep something secret"), {pegh vIttlhegh} can also be interpreted as a sentence meaning something like "a proverb keeps things secret," that is, it withholds information rather than being a ready source of answers.  To some Klingons, this is a most insightful coincidence.
> We have {ghotpu' tamey} "Personnel Files" from the special Klingon issue of _Star Trek Communicator_ (no. 104 [Aug-Sep 1995]) which uses {ghot} "person" (n).  {ghot ta} could also be translated "personal file" - not personal or private property but a file for each person in an organization.  Perhaps *{ghot De' ngoch}?  Compare with {beq may' ta} "the crew's record of battle" from KGT.   

Yeah, my point was mainly that since GDPR is about how companies handle user information and what rights and level of control users have over their own information, it might make more sense to provide a translation that describes the “privacy policy” being about user information rather than secret information in general, since there doesn’t seem to be a known way to discuss what we call “privacy”.

With that in mind, {ghot ta} or {ghot De'} is compatible with what I was thinking. (I apologize if “personal information” is not an appropriate translation for {De' tlhIn}; I guess however that {De' tlhIn} means the {De'} itself is {tlhIn}, rather than being about something {tlhIn}, so let’s pretend that I said something like {ghot tlhIn De'}, although I guess you probably can’t noun-noun where the first noun is followed by a stative verb…

> Yet another option is to do something with the new verbs {'ot}  and {'otHa'}:
> (Lieven < MO, 9/2017):  A verb to use for what Maltz does when he tells us new words is {'otHa'} "disclose, divulge".  ({'ot} means "withhold (information)".
> --
> Voragh
> Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
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