[tlhIngan Hol] The Gospel of Matthew

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Thu May 3 10:35:49 PDT 2018

Am 03.05.2018 um 18:38 schrieb mayqel qunenoS:
>     After translating the Revelation excerpt I posted yesterday, I
> decided to create a thread where I will be translating the gospel of
> Matthew. But before I start, I would like to make some notes with
> regards to the work at hand.

Before you start, here some other notes:

1. This is a great initiative that should be coordiated with the RTTP.

2. There are some parts of the bible translated already, I just don' 
know where.

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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