[tlhIngan Hol] Always this surprises me

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Sat Mar 10 23:35:13 PST 2018

reH mumer wanI'vam..

tlhIngan Hol lujatlhlaHbe' 'op nuv; tlhIngan Hol lughItlhlaHbe' 'op nuv..

'a, lughojchoHDI', gheltaH: chay' *klcp* wIQap ?

nuvpu'vam vIyajlaHbe'.

wa' vIt potlh lutlhojlaHbe'ba' nuvvam: wa'DIch tlhIngan Hol Daghoj, 'ej
ghIq klcp DaQap.

'a, wa' tlhIngan mu'tlhegh lughItlhlaHbe'taHvIS nuvvam, *klcp* lunajtaH..

It is truly pathetic, how people unable to write a single klingon sentence,
keep dreaming of succeeding at klcp.

They should know, that first you learn something, and only then you concern
yourself with succeeding at its relevant exams.

vay' Daghojchu'chugh vaj qaDDaj DaQapbej; 'a qaDDaj neH DaQap DaneHchugh
vaj not bIghojchu'.

If you truly learn something, then you will definitely succeed at its exams
too; but if your only goal is succeeding at its exams, then you will never
truly learn.

~ nI'ghma
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