[tlhIngan Hol] expressing ten minutes before dawn

nIqolay Q niqolay0 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 1 08:46:33 PST 2018

On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 5:26 AM, Felix Malmenbeck <felixm at kth.se> wrote:

> I'm afraid that doesn't make much sense to me; I read it assomething like
> "Before dawn happened at ten minutes, I saw a cat."
> Personally, I'm a fan of expressions such as «jajlo' wa'maH tup ret» ("the
> ten minutes ago f dawn"), but I believe such constructs are quite
> controversial with the community, with many arguing that ret/pIq, Hu'/leS,
> ben/nem and the like should always be measured with respect to (the
> speaker's) present.
> You could say «qaStaHvIS jajlo' nungbogh tup wa'maHDIch» ("during the 10th
> minute that precedes dawn"), but that's rather cumbersome.

​I was re-reading some of the new words pages​ from old qep'a'mey (to
refresh my memory, you see, it's like bat'leth practice for your
vocabulary) and saw something in the new words from 2016
that reminded me of this discussion. Specifically, this:

*jIvIbHa'. wejHu' jImev.*
> *I time-travel three days into the past*; literally: "I time-travel to
> the past. I stop three days ago" - that is, I stop three days prior to a
> time referenced in the conversation, not necessarily three days prior to
> making this utterance.

That last sentence suggests that, like *Sum*, "relative time period" nouns
like *Hu'* usually use the speaker as a reference point, but in the right
context can be reckoned from another reference point. If this holds, then
that suggests that *jajlo' wa'maH tup ret* (literally, "dawn's
ten-minutes-ago") could work as a timestamp for "ten minutes before dawn".
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