[tlhIngan Hol] [Tlhingan-hol] 2018 qep'a' Wish List

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Mar 29 05:24:04 PDT 2018

- jesus christ (name)

- satan (name)

- prostitute (noun)

- oil (noun) (as in "olive oil")

- crucify (verb)

- priest (noun)

- hypocrite (noun)

- worship (verb)

- goat, goat-like animal (noun)

- cross (noun) (as in "nailed to the cross")

- angel (noun)

- demon (noun)

- lamb, lamb-like animal (noun)

- wolf, wolf-like animal (noun)

- lion, lion-like animal (noun)

- anoint (verb)

- easter (noun)

- mourn (verb)

~ nI'ghma

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