[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: ba'Suq

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Thu Mar 29 08:26:17 PDT 2018

Klingon word: ba'Suq
Part of speech: noun
Definition: bubble
Source: qepHom 2017

(qepHom 2017 p.20):  The noun {ba'Suq} is used also for a chewing gum bubble, a soap bubble and so on. You can even have bubbles in the bath tub, and the foam in the bathtub is made of millions of bubbles, but the foam itself is not called bubble.  Of course, you can add suffixes to it for very small bubbles, like the ones you have in sparkling water and champagne, for instance.

PUN: Bazooka bubble gum (U.S. brand name)

moQ  		sphere, ball (n)
pel'aQ  		shell (of an egg) (n)

 jo' 		blow into a container of some kind (v)
pub 		boil (v)
ngon 		bubble, be bubbling (v)

tlhIngan nompuq pIn'a'

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