[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: tlhIn

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Mar 28 06:39:06 PDT 2018

>From NOTES ON KLINGONAASE by Stewart Wiener (Princeton University) - which I found somewhere online years ago (I no longer have the URL):

klin			that which is Klingon. One can be "full of *klin*,"  i.e., a worthy Klingon

Elsewhere in my notes I have:

klin			the warrior spirit, endurance, willpower; the essential principle of the ideal Klingon spirit; spirit, soul; a compliment on being a "true" Klingon); capitalized, *Klin* is a term for "the people" (we people; Klingons; those beings who have spirits and souls; "real" people) (THE FINAL REFLECTION by John Ford [TFR])

klin komerex klingoni   	idiom roughly meaning "the heart and soul and spirit of the Klingon civilization" (TFR)

klin zha   		"the Klingon game", i.e. the Klingon equivalent of chess  (TFR)
klin zha kinta   		"the game with live pieces." *Klin zha* played as a stylized combat game, like living chess but deadlier. (TFR)

klingonaase   		Klingon (adj), the language or "in the style of", i.e. "they spoke French" or "that gown is very French" (cf. *fedegonaase*, i.e. Federation Standard). The suffix /-aase/ does not quite equate to /-ese/; it has a connotation of worldview, or world-manipulating tool, cf. *kaase* "hand".  (TFR)

Klinzhai   		the Klingon homeworld; seat of the government (GN) (TFR)

komerex klingon   	the Klingon Empire (expanding), that which is within the Klingon sphere of influence  (TFR)

I don't know how *klin* relates to *klingon(i)* in Ford's version of *klingonaase*.

tlhIngan nompuq pIn'a'
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

-----Original Message-----
From: Lieven L. Litaer
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 3:08 AM

Am 28.03.2018 um 09:48 schrieb De'vID:
> Does "Klin" mean anything in (John M. Ford's version of) Klingonaase?

Bot that I know of. It's part of "Klin Zha" and "Klin Zhai", but no more.

> Many endonyms/autonyms (people's names for themselves) mean something 
> like "the people" in their own language. I wonder if {tlhIn} and 
> {tlhIngan} are related (perhaps through {tlhIn-ngan} meaning something 
> like "inhabitants of our own planet").

Remember that the Klingons were first situated on a planet named "Kling", but the producers soon rejected that name, being too silly. We still have the {tlhIng yoS}.

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