[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: HablI'

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Thu Jun 28 08:16:05 PDT 2018

Klingon word: HablI'
Part of speech: noun
Definition: data transceiving device
Source: TKD

HablI', Su':  labbeH. 
Ready to transmit. ST3 
("Data transceiving device, attention: prepare to transmit." [ghunchu'wI']) 

ghunchu'wI':  My interpretation of Valkris' line in ST3 as a command to the data-transceiving device ... was confirmed. Apparently the subtitle 'Ready to transmit' is not very good... When I mentioned to Okrand at qep'a' loSDIch that I thought that this was in the form of a 'pet command', he said it was a valid interpretation.

ghogh HablI' 		telephone  (n)

  ghogh HablI' mI' yIper 
  What is the telephone number? (TNK)

nav HablI' 		FAX (machine) (n)

(Mark Mandel, IMO HQ 5.2:20):  I had been working with Marc Okrand by phone and e-mail during the project [i.e. the Language Lab on the Star Trek: Klingon! CD-ROM], and so I sent him the text of my transliterated Klingon letterhead, asking especially about my word for fax, which at the time was a compound word with no space. He wrote back, approximately, that he liked the idea, but he would prefer to express it as a two-word phrase, {nav HablI'}; and he also suggested the corresponding {ghogh HablI'} for telephone. 

rISwI' 			transponder, sonar (n)
QumwI' 		communicator (n)
rI'meH qul 		beacon (n)
rI'meH wovmoHwI'  	beacon (n)

lab  			transmit data (away from a place) (v)
lI'  			transmit data (to a place) (v)
rIS 			signal, emit a signal (v)
rI' 			hail (v)
Qum			communicate (v)
tlhuD 			emit [energy, radiation] (v)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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