[tlhIngan Hol] “A warrior’s drink”

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Sun Jun 17 22:50:41 PDT 2018

Am 18.06.2018 um 03:35 schrieb Alan Anderson:
> Morskan was “inspired by” actors’ lack of understanding of proper pronunciation and by a couple of DS9 scriptwriters’ inventions. 

Maybe in KGT, but not in the movie, which was produced two years before DS9.

> Be aware that the guy on duty at the Morskan listening post was *not* mispronouncing his lines. They were written and given to him that way on purpose to hint at his being from an outlying region.

I've heard about that too. Then still... why was his words displayed on 
the screen still in ta' Hol? Does the Enterprise computer have an 
autocorrect function? ;-) haha.

The screen said {Dujvetlh 'oH nuq} - so odd grammar, correct pronunciation.

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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