[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: Sa'

Rhona Fenwick qeslagh at hotmail.com
Sat Jul 28 07:42:55 PDT 2018

ghItlhpu' De'vID, jatlh:

> Q: qatlh chorgh Sa' neH ghaj tlhIngan Hubbeq?

> A: Sa' Hut moj neHmo' pagh.

In a similar vein, at the Chicago qep'a' in 2012 my phrase for the qaDHom wa' was Hut Sa' Sa'Hut. I seem to remember riffing on the Twelve Days of Christmas. wa' QaS Quch vIHevrup, cha' bu' burgh vISIQbej, wej ne' nach vIjaDchu'... 'ach Hut Sa' Sa'Hut vIlajQo'.

QeS 'utlh
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