[tlhIngan Hol] peqIm

Lawrence M. Schoen klingonguy at gmail.com
Thu Jul 26 08:27:45 PDT 2018

Last week, the KLI celebrated with its 25th annual conference, aka qep'a'
cha'maH vaghDIch. There was much singing, contests of vocabulary and
grammar, and conversations long into the night and early morning. I believe
it was the largest conference we've had thus far, with many new faces
present because the language has been enjoying a renaissance this year.

And so we also paused to praise and acknowledge those individuals who have
contributed so significantly and been of such aid to our community.

For those who were not present during qep'a', I am pleased to announce the

In recognition of the efforts in bringing the Duolingo Klingon course into
the world, and for the continuing support of this program, the KLI hereby
calls into existence the Order of the Owl (lIr 'obe') and proclaims Felix
Malmenbeck, Philip Newton, and Jeremy Cowan to be members, to receive
special medals indicating their status as well as a formal certificate to
that effect.

In recognition of the work in providing proper tlhIngan Hol to CBS's Star
Trek: Discovery and thereby exposing a vast audience to the sounds and
grammatical patterns of the Klingon language, the KLI hereby calls into
existence the Order of the Torchbearer (Sech qengwI' 'obe') and proclaims
Robyn Stewart, Alan Anderson, and Lieven Litaer to be members, to receive
special medals indicating their status as well as a formal certificate to
that effect.

This notification is being sent as an email to the six honorees, posted to
the KLI's mailing list, and shared with relevant groups throughout social
media. Feel free to spread it far and wide, so that all may know of the
great deeds that have been done, so when next we gather for the qep'a'
great songs may be song.

'angghal, tlhIngan Hol yejHaD DevwI'
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