[tlhIngan Hol] lop pIHlu'pu'be'bogh

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Jul 25 07:27:19 PDT 2018

We now have the necessary vocabulary to translate the opening paragraph 
of one of my favorites. I've got a couple of variations. Can anybody 
suggest improvements?

The version that doesn't rely on copulas:

    yav QemjIq Dab Ha'bIt. 'upbe' QemjIqvam; lambe' 'ej yIQbe'. 'olQan
    'uchbe' ghargh 'e'rIn megh'an je HuH pIw je. QaDbe' je QemjIqvam;
    chImbe'; Do'ol luyughbe' tlhoy'. quS Soj joq Hutlhbe'. Ha'bIt QemjIq
    'oH, vaj churHa'.

The version using copulas, but which seems a bit pedantic to me:

    yav QemjIq Dab Ha'bIt. 'upbogh QemjIq lambogh 'ej yIQbogh 'oHbe'.
    'olQan 'uchbe' ghargh 'e'rIn megh'an je HuH pIw je. QaDbogh QemjIq
    'ej chImbogh 'oHbe' je. Do'ol luyughbe' tlhoy'. quS Soj joq
    Hutlhbe'. Ha'bIt QemjIq 'oH, vaj churHa'.


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