[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: weS

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Feb 19 08:11:06 PST 2018

Klingon word: weS
Part of speech: verb
Definition: lose, no longer have, suffer a reduction of
Source: qepHom 2017

  SuvwI'pu' DIweSpu' 
  We have lost a lot of warriors. (qepHom 2017)

As used in Lieven's (non-canon) subtitles:

  DISqa'vI'rIy weS 'e' SIQlaHbe' 'ejyo'. 
  Starfleet can't afford to lose the Discovery. (DSC "Lethe")

  poH wIweSlI' 
  We're losing time. (DSC "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad")

  noHmo' ghaH DaweSpu' reH 'e' DajatlhtaH... 
  You keep talking about how you lost her because of the war... (DSC "Magic to Make...)

(MO > Lieven, qepHom 2017 p.15):  {chIl} means lose in the sense of misplace, be unable to find, lose track of.  It can be used for misplacing your keys, but also for things like losing the signal of something you've been tracking.  Lose in the sense of no longer have (presumably permanently), as in "we've lost a lot of soldiers" is a different word: {weS}.  This verb means lose in the sense of undergo a reduction of or suffer a reduction of, as in "he lost a lot of blood".  To say lose as in "She lost the baby" or "She lost her husband" just say {Heghpu' ghu} or {Heghpu' loDnalDaj}.  Similarly, for "We have lost a lot of warriors", say {Heghpu' SuvwI'pu'ma' law'}.  {SuvwI'pu' DIweSpu'} is fine, but it implies that the warriors are gone or missing or are severely injured and not expected to return (or to return anytime soon), but they may or may not be dead.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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