[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: Dop

Ed Bailey bellerophon.modeler at gmail.com
Tue Feb 13 13:32:55 PST 2018

vaj wa' boqHa'chugh cha', chen'a' wa' Dop?


On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 11:10 AM, Steven Boozer <sboozer at uchicago.edu>

> Klingon word: Dop
> Part of speech: verb
> Definition: be opposite, antithetical, contradictory
> Source: Email from Lieven 2018-08-01
> _______________________________________________
> (Lieven < MO, 1/08/2018):  For parallel universe, I'd go with {'u' quq},
> using {quq} "happen simultaneously, be simultaneous". {quq} is okay for
> 'parallel' (in this sense). Just as a parallel universe can't exist by
> itself (there has to be a universe - presumably ours - that it's parallel
> to), a simultaneous universe can't exist by itself. In both cases, you can
> refer to one universe at a time - you don't always have to mention both (or
> several). For mirror universe, I suggest {Dop} "be opposite, antithetical,
> contradictory} (yes - this is a new word). If they're not making a real
> distinction between parallel and mirror (that is, if they're using the
> words interchangeably), I'd stick with {quq}.
>  (DevID < MO, 2/10/2018):  To sort [i.e. {patlhmoH}] a list of English
> words alphabetically (or reverse alphabetically) use constructions like
> {wa'DIch A, HochDIch Z} or {wa'DIch Z, HochDIch A}.  ... And to the
> question of whether *{yoymoH} could be used for reversing a list, he
> replied: "No. Use {DopmoH} "cause to be opposite".
> yoy             be upside down (v)
> tlhoch          contradict (v)
> Sar             be varied, various (v)
> pIm             be different (v)
> --
> Voragh
> Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
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