[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: peD

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Thu Feb 22 08:17:43 PST 2018

Klingon word: peD
Part of speech: verb
Definition: snow, fall slowly (like snow)
Source: TKD, qepHom 2017

  peDtaH 'ej chIS qo'  
  (Dutch magazine "Oor",  Nov-Dec 2011, p.39: "Fifty Words for Snow" by Kate Bush)

[Someone refresh my memory:  Was this example supplied by Okrand?] 

(Lieven < MO, qepHom 2017):  When you cut your bread and the crumbs fall out (like snow), you use the verb {peD}. It can also be used for instance, when you throw confetti, and the confetti falls down, then use {peD}. So, with other words, {peD} still means to snow, but it does not only refer to snow, but can also be used for other small things falling down slowly or rain down, like ashes. During explaining, it seemed like the bread is the subject of {peD}, but also the bread crumbs themselves. I don't know of a general word other than snow. Maybe "rain down", but that's confusing, because rain still is {SIS}. Okrand did not give the English word for it, he just explained it.

Transcript follows - Lieven (LL) and Okrand (MO):

MO: 	We just found a new word.
LL: 	Really? Tell me.
MO: 	You got a piece of bread, a roll, with a hard crust, or whatever, 
    	and you cut it or you bite into it, it makes little crumbs.
LL: 	In German you would say *krümeln*. "Das Brötchen krümelt." It means 
    	the little crumbs are falling out of it.
MO: 	Yes. The Klingon word for that is {peD}.
LL: 	So, could there be other things falling out?
MO: 	Maybe.
LL: 	Oh, {peD} is "snowing" anyway. So it can also be used for crumbs.
MO: 	So the bread is doing that. Or has done that.
LL: 	Would there be other... Oh no, it's not transitive, so you cannot 
    	{peD} something. It's only {peD}.
MO:   	  [nods]
LL: 	Is there anything else we need to know?
MO: 	Oh, probably. Most people need to know a lot  of things.
LL: 	So I'll have the questions later. It's not a new word, anyway.
MO: 	No. It's a new usage.
LL: 	An extension of an existing word, I understand.
MO: 	Yes. And that's one way to protect the three letters words. Cause
    	they're an endangered species. You told me.
LL: 	You said it's for crumbs. What if I take confetti, for example, 
    	throw it in the air and it's raining down... so it's for everything
    	falling down slowly?
MO:   	  [nods]
LL: 	But not rain?
MO: 	No.
LL: 	So, water... If I'm spraying water we have {ghay}. And {SIS} is only
    	related to rain.
MO: 	No; {SIS} can also be used for something else, but I can't remember
    	right now.

(DloraH, conversation with MO, 5/1998):  It rained a few times during the weekend, so we were put into the situation to discuss it. {SIS. SISqu'. SIStaH. SISchoH}. All correct. {SISlu'}, although grammatically correct, he didn't particularly like... You can also give it an object and say things like "the clouds rained down cats and dogs"... or something like that; you get the idea. But when Marc and I went outside and drops of water were falling on us, he looked up and simply said "{SIS}." 

bIr 		be cold (v)
taD 		be frozen (v)
tet 		melt (v)
yIQ 		be wet (v)

chuch 		ice (n)
chal chuch 	snow (n) (qep'a' 2017)
chal bIQ  	rain (n) (qep'a' 2017)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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