[tlhIngan Hol] Adverbiality and the verb {Da}

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Fri Feb 9 10:03:47 PST 2018

On 2/9/2018 12:48 PM, demonchaux.aurelie wrote:
> - A adverb, by definition, is used to specify the manner in which an 
> action is carried out
> - The Klingon verb {Da} means "behave as, act in the manner of"
> Taking this into account, wouldn't it make sense to use <noun + Da> to 
> convey the same meaning as an adverb?
> For instance:
> He fought bravely: Suv ghaH, yoHwI' Da
> He spoke calmy: jatlh ghaH, jotwI' Da
> He shouted angrily: jach ghaH, QeHwI' Da
> What do you think?

Sure, why not? But don't regard it as a formula. It's not THE way to 
describe how something is done; it's A way. You might just as well say

    *Suv ghaH; yoH.
    jatlh ghaH; jot.
    jach ghaH; QeH.*


    *Suv; yoHwI' ghaH.
    jatlh; jotwI' ghaH.
    jach; QeHwI' ghaH.*

or even

    *SuvtaHvIS ghaH, yoH.
    jatlhtaHvIS ghaH, jot.
    jachtaHvIS ghaH, QeH.*


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