[tlhIngan Hol] Simple pIqaD typeface

Michael Roney, Jr. nahqun at gmail.com
Sun Feb 4 11:24:46 PST 2018

That's a nice font. majQa'
I expected the top of the {D} to be more "up", more "perky"? but that is just what I expected to see, it doesn't mean your {D} is wrong or that you should change it. I learned to write pIqaD from a font more suited to engraving, and it had the tip pointing straight up, so that probably where I get that bias. 
I also expected the lower curve of the {H} to look different. I don't know if I expected it to be rounder or longer or curvier, it just seemed... off. 
Neither of these comments are meant as complaints. The glyphs are perfectly recognizable as is. Just sharing my initial reaction, which is what I believe what you requested. 

If you are going to release this publicly as a font, please use a more unique name than "pIqaD.ttf" as I'm tired of having to rename fonts before I install them. 
~naHQun Sent from my Palm Prē 
-------- Original message --------From: Daniel Dadap <daniel at dadap.net> Date: 2/4/18  12:54  (GMT-05:00) To: tlhingan-hol at lists.kli.org Subject: [tlhIngan Hol] Simple pIqaD typeface 
Hello all,

             

danIlmoH ‘oH pongwIj’e’. tera’ngan jIh. mungwIj ‘oH ‘amerI’qa’ SepjIjQa’’e'. TexasDaq juHwIj ‘ach NewYorkDaq jIboghpu'. (Hope that was vaguely grammatical - that’s about as far as I’ll attempt conversing in Klingon for now.)

I attempted to post this yesterday, but the message included an image attachment which was apparently too large, so here goes again with a smaller version of the image.

I'm attempting to learn Klingon again, which I've done on several short-lived occasions since the mid '90s, and this time I'm trying to make a more solid effort. While studying the pIqaD I went through the exercise of designing a pIqaD typeface to help me learn the forms. I've styled it as a simple, "sans-serif" design which I call "pIqaD nap" (I hope that makes sense in tlhIngan Hol), and was curious to get some feedback from experienced pIqaD readers to see how "intuitively" legible it is. Here's a small sample:

I know designs like this have been done before (see e.g. Nokia Pure Klingon), but I just couldn't get myself to agree with some of the choices made in any of the existing fonts that have been done in this vein. (For example, 'b', 'Q', 'r', and 'S' in the Nokia font seem a bit off to me when compared with the standard glyph shapes.)
I'd appreciate any feedback on tweaks that experienced Klingonists may have on how to make these more recognizable as pIqaD while maintaining the overall design aesthetic. I plan on releasing the font under the SIL Open Font License after I've had a chance to tweak the kerning tables some more.

( If the image does not appear, you can try viewing it at: https://imgur.com/a/3mL0k )
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