[tlhIngan Hol] info from Maltz: pronunciation

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Mon Feb 26 06:14:42 PST 2018

On 2/25/2018 4:27 PM, Felix Malmenbeck wrote:
> Ah, interesting; I've always assumed that the word {Sar} meant 
> "variety" in the sense of "diversity", rather than "variant". Now I'll 
> have to rethink my use of the phrase {belmoH Sar}. Perhaps {belmoH 
> SartaHghach.} would be preferable?

When you use *SartaHghach,* it's obvious you want to say *Sarghach* but 
can't, so you're sticking in as inoffensive an extra suffix that you can.

Continue to say *belmoH Sar,* with the understanding that *Sar* here is 
plural: /varieties please./


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