[tlhIngan Hol] jIbogh vs jIboghpu' and a pizza
Steven Boozer
sboozer at uchicago.edu
Fri Dec 21 08:20:21 PST 2018
I found this in my notes from qep’a’ wa’maHDIch (2003):
(DloraH, 9/16/2003): Once in a while here we would have discussions about when exactly the point of completion occurs in relation to a timestamp or {-taHvIS}. [E.g.] {wejHu' vIHoHta'}. Did I kill him BEFORE three days ago? (possibly) Could I have done the killing ON that day (three days ago)? Yes. Some people (including myself), thought that the {-ta'} had to be true at any point in time of that day. At one second after midnight, {-ta'} would mean that the killing took place before three days ago. But without specifying that precise time, you have until 23:59 on that day for the event to become {-ta'}.
Some examples of {-pu’} used with a time stamp:
tera' vatlh DIS poH cha'maH loS bong QongmeH qItI'nga' Duj tI'ang ghompu' DIvI' 'ejDo' 'entepray'
A sleeper ship of this [K'Tinga] class, the T'Ong, was encountered in the 24th century by the USS Enterprise. S15
HovpoH Hut vagh cha' wa' vI' jav Dujvam 'aghlu'pu' 'ach Qaw'lu'pu'
[This ship was demonstrated on Stardate 9521.6 but it was destroyed. (untranslated)] S33
DaH nuq ta'pu' Day joH
What has Lady Di done now? RTb
DaHjaj romuluSngan vIHoHpu'
Today I killed a Romulan. (st.k 6/97)
… and one with {-ta’} :
wejHu' qoSlIj Dalopta', qar'a'?
(MO's FaceBook text to Andre, 2/11/2014)
From: nIqolay Q
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2018 9:59 AM
On Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 9:15 AM mayqel qunenoS <mihkoun at gmail.com<mailto:mihkoun at gmail.com>> wrote:
Suppose I write: {loSmaH wa' ben jIboghpu'} for "I am 41 years old".
Literally though, the klingon goes "41 years ago I have been born"
i.e. 41 years ago my "being born" has been completed.
Lets forget this for the moment..
If I write {wa'Hu' pItSa' vISoppu'}, this means that "one day ago my
eating the pizza has been completed". But I could have eaten this
pizza many days ago, and yesterday is just another day during which my
eating of the pizza continues to be completed.
I remember someone asked Okrand about something similar to this, and he replied that using {-pu'} with a time-stamp adverbial implies that the completion occured at the time of the time stamp. Sadly, I am having trouble finding the exact canon for this at the moment.
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