[tlhIngan Hol] {neH} with SAO and indefinite subject

Daniel Dadap daniel at dadap.net
Sat Dec 8 10:13:03 PST 2018

Before I ask my main question, I wanted to confirm my understanding of something:

My understanding of the behavior of {neH} with a sentence as object has always been that there is an implicit {'e'} in there, and it isn’t wrong to make it explicit. For example, to say “they want the children to read those books”, one would typically say:

{paqmeyvetlh laD puqpu' luneH}

But it wouldn’t be wrong to say:

{paqmeyvetlh laD puqpu' 'e' luneH}

Is my understanding accurate? Or does {neH} really not take the pronoun {'e'} as an object, not even invisibly? Or do we just not know enough to be certain one way or another?

Regardless of the answer to the above, I was thinking recently about {neH} with SAO and an indefinite subject. Which of these is the right way to say “it is wanted that the children read those books”?

{paqmeyvetlh laD puqpu' net neH}
{paqmeyvetlh laD puqpu' neHlu'}
{paqmeyvetlh laD puqpu' 'e' neHlu'}

(Or none of the above because you’re supposed to say something else, or some combination of multiple of the above…)

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