[tlhIngan Hol] Can we use {-ghach} on a verb with only a rover ?

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Fri Dec 28 08:05:23 PST 2018

On 12/28/2018 10:53 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> In order to use {-ghach} on a verb, this verb needs to have a suffix, 
> e.g. {naDqa'ghach} for "re-commendation".
> If though, this verb doesn't have a suffix of one of the 9 types of 
> verb suffixes, but has only a rover, then can we {-ghach} it anyway ?
> I know that we can say {naDHa'ghach} for "discommendation", but since 
> the {-Ha'} is a "fixed" rover (with regards to its position in a 
> verb), I was wondering:
> Can we say e.g. {Quchbe'ghach} for "unhappiness" ? Or {QuchQo'ghach} 
> for "the condition/state of refusing to be happy" ?

I believe this are all right. I'm more interested in, and less certain 
about, words like *Quchbejghach*/certain happiness,/ 
*Quchlaw'ghach*/apparent happiness,/ and *Quchqu'ghach*/great 
happiness./ They seem odd to me, because they are using verb suffixes to 
do what noun suffixes could do, if only you had a noun for /happiness./ 
Although *Quchba'ghach* /obvious happiness/ couldn't be done with a noun 

By the way, I'd say that *QuchHa'ghach* is /unhappiness/ while 
*Quchbe'ghach* is simply a lack of happiness, but not necessarily 


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