[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: jaSHa'

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Aug 13 07:14:41 PDT 2018

Klingon word: jaSHa'
Part of speech: adv
Definition: similarly
Source: From Star Trek (2009) via an interview with Marc Okrand.

  "At the 2000 qep'a' in conversation with MO, I went over the list I had prepared of adverbs + {-Ha'}. This was the very one which I was disappointed to learn from MO himself that it does NOT work. He never explained why. [...] Well, that's just about what I remember about {jaSHa'}. Merely that (possibly not verbatim): "I don't think it works." He did not volunteer any other information about why it doesn't SEEM to work or what else would work." (peHruS, [date?])

  At the 2012 qep'a', when "Asked if {jaSHa'} and {pe'vIlHa'} were okay, Marc said, 'Why wouldn't they be?' implying that {-Ha'} on adverbs is generally accepted, if the meaning is obvious." (Qov, 8/30/12)

  At the 2013 qepHom, Lieven interviewed Okrand on his work for STID: "the stuff I had submitted had no new material, except for one half new word, which was {jaSHa'}, meaning 'similarly'." (via Lieven, 1/15/2014)

jaS  	differently (adv)
nIb 	be identical (v)
rur 	resemble (v)
Sar 	be varied, various (v)
pIm 	be different (v)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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