[tlhIngan Hol] Praxis

Rhona Fenwick qeslagh at hotmail.com
Sat Aug 11 07:28:56 PDT 2018

ghItlhpu' De'vID, jatlh:

> Yes, you're right, I thought there were other canon examples but there were not.

SoH Voragh je Satlho'.

For my part, I kind of like the idea of both variants potentially having some currency (cp. also other pairs like {jorneb}/{jornub}, {luq}/{lu'}, {SuH}/{Su'}, and probably a couple of others). And I admit I prefer {pIraQSIS} both because of the unusual orthographic combination of the four final letters (for the same reason as ghunchu'wI' has said he's fond of the word {HISIQ}), and because it's not as straightforwardly rendering the English spelling pronunciation. But YMMV.

QeS 'utlh
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