[tlhIngan Hol] Duolingo qepHom hosts

David Holt kenjutsuka at live.com
Sun Apr 15 16:05:28 PDT 2018

Duolingo Klingon has been out for a month now and I hope most of you have had a chance to try it. Duolingo has a separate initiative to create "meet in person" events to work on pronunciation and conversation for all their languages. They have asked me to help them find people to run such groups around the world for Klingon.

I ran a qepHom in Chicago right after the launch and had 11 Duolingo users show up to that qepHom (in addition to 4 others that I had informed by other means). If you have wanted to have a qepHom in your area, but didn't know where to start looking for people to join in, this may be the opportunity you've been waiting for!

To run a qepHom through Duolingo, you do not need to be an expert at the language, just an enthusiastic learner with organizational skills. Duolingo actually provides a lot of support and ideas for things to do. These are not intended to be lessons, but just chances to get together and try to use the language. Feel free to ask me any questions.

If you want to see what the Chicago group looks like, go to: https://events.duolingo.com/chicago-klingon/<https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fevents.duolingo.com%2Fchicago-klingon%2F&h=ATM2bqmLw-LjzqO2DIS6BuhbZVqbc72Fk275lPP6M62u8UJs_24lQ6_LeXyyKPb3EevKUusbIekay60rquHCrjVLSt9rwT1BKifyLpign71uOWTBkFeCy0vL6TqM1G9QJQ>

If you want to see other Duolingo Event groups, go to: https://events.duolingo.com/<https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fevents.duolingo.com%2F&h=ATP8XuOwoZ-CTdxdpK4l2QCR5RaJBri-Ud9AzLu6eApPL0R3x5Y5j23lK9IIdGEhXGmhP_bygXxdbspsnCbLjDj2OGU5CStky8lATs-3hKrGmo-SqehVXL6o7sC45ygIKw>

If you want to sign up to run Klingon Events in your city (or even other languages), go to: https://events.duolingo.com/host/<https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fevents.duolingo.com%2Fhost%2F&h=ATMLrnmh-Cj1OMaNIm7_edEeMKjN7you7U2HTn_bSVsnjE_zpCc4Qt-ouLNLDvDwCYTW9jSx48PT8ygq3WDIojNqti7fIsnxelwspXdfFuBa5H8HOkU1Q6awuvQm5zLepA>

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