[tlhIngan Hol] “qabwIj vIweq”

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Thu Apr 26 14:03:08 PDT 2018

On 4/26/2018 4:44 PM, Daniel Dadap wrote:
> jatlhchuqtaHvIs jupwI' jIH je, jIqIDpu', 'a tlhaQbe' qIDwIj 'e' noH jupwI'. “chay' tlhIngan Hol jatlhtaHvIS*facepalm*  jatlhlu'” 'e' ghel ghaH. “qabwIj vIweq” vIjangpu', 'a jIloy neH.
> jIghel: nuq jatlh tlhInganna', moghDI' ghaH?

jatlhlaw' /ghuy'cha'! /pagh /va!/


<jatlhchuqtaHvIS jupwI' jIH je>

*jatlh* doesn't take the person spoken to as a direct object, so you 
probably can't say *jatlhchuq.* One usually says *ja'chuq,* which 
appears in the dictionary. It's not entirely clear, though.

<chay' tlhIngan Hol jatlhtaHvIS /facepalm/ jatlhlu'>

Don't insert the subordinate clause between the main clause and its 
question word. Also, keep your indefinite subject consistent throughout. 
*tlhIngan Hol jatlhlu'taHvIS chay' /facepalm/ jatlhlu'?*

<'e' ghel ghaH>

Quotations can't be objects of anything but the verbs of saying *jatlh* 
or *ja',* and then must use the special rule that omits *'e'.* To say 
someone asked something, say it in two separate sentences: someone 
asked; someone said... *ghelpu' ghaH; <tlhIngan Hol jatlhlu'taHvIS chay' 
/facepalm/ jatlhlu'?> jatlhpu'.* This goes for /answering/ as well: 
*jIjangpu'; jIjatlhpu' <qabwIj vIweq>.* If /asked/ and /answered/ aren't 
vital to what you're saying, you could just drop that part and just say 
/someone said.../


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