[tlhIngan Hol] DSC Klingon Trailer transcription (NOT offlist)

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri Sep 29 12:58:36 PDT 2017

I agree. It has to be {wInobmeH}. The {DInobmeH} makes no sense.


On Sep 29, 2017 22:56, "SuStel" <sustel at trimboli.name> wrote:

> Whatever the transcript says, I'm pretty sure I hear *wInobmeH.*
> On 9/29/2017 3:42 PM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> Unless someone intended it as a prefix trick, but the prefix trick can't
> be used in such a way.
> qunnoq
> On Sep 29, 2017 22:04, "mayqel qunenoS" <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > may' luqotlhbogh DInobmeH
>> Shouldn't this be {wInobmeH} ? Or is the intended meaning "in order to
>> give the battles" ? But again, this can't be the case, since we have a
>> {lu-} on the {qotlhbogh}.
>> qunnoq
>> On Sep 29, 2017 21:55, "De'vID" <de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I don't think it matters that this isn't offlist, since the trailer is
>>> public.
>>> The makers of that video cut off the wrong part of the first sentence.
>>> They apparently intended to cut out the reference to Donatu V, but what
>>> they did was they cut out the *temporally* corresponding part (at the end)
>>> of the sentence rather than the *semantically* corresponding part (at the
>>> beginning). If they had just listened to their cut they'd have realised
>>> that the sentence starts with {Do'natu vagh...} So frustrating, though I
>>> doubt it can be fixed now that it's been released.
>>> Here's the transcript:
>>> We have become complacent in the time since we last battled [the
>>> Federation at Donatu V].
>>> {Do'natu vaghDaq DIvI' wIlulpu' 'a qaStaHvIS poH [veb mayonchoHchu'pu']}
>>> They come to destroy our individuality.
>>> {mapIm ngIq maH 'e' luQaw'meH ghoS chaH}
>>> Great leaders, look to the stars...
>>> {DevwI''a'pu', Hov tIbejchoH...}
>>> Our destiny has arrived.
>>> {pawpu' Sanmaj.}
>>> Fire!
>>> {baH!}
>>> Shall we rise up together and give them the fight they deserve?
>>> {may' luqotlhbogh DInobmeH matay'taHvIS mavangrup'a'?}
>>> Remain Klingon!
>>> {tlhIngan maH! taHjaj!}
>>> On Sep 28, 2017 16:21, "Steven Boozer" <sboozer at uchicago.edu> wrote:
>>> Unfortunately my computer can’t play sounds.  Have you transcribed the
>>> Klingon for the rest of that YouTube trailer?  From what’s been posted on
>>> the list so far I have:
>>> "We have become complacent in the time since we last battled."
>>> *mapIm ngIq maH 'e' luQaw'meH ghoS chaH. *
>>> "They come to destroy our individuality."
>>> *DevwI''a'pu', Hov tIbejchoH*
>>> "Great leaders, look to the stars…
>>> *… [---] Sanmaj *(?)
>>> … our destiny has arrived."
>>> *baH!*       [I assume}
>>> "Fire!"    [various battle scenes]
>>> "Shall we rise up together and give them the fight they deserve?"
>>> * tlhIngan maH! taHjaj!*
>>> "Remain Klingon!"
>>> Thanks,
>>> Voragh
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>> *From:* De'vID
>>> Get to practising, then. The line you're listening for is {DevwI''a'pu',
>>> Hov tIbejchoH}, subtitled "Great leaders, look to the stars".
>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZEQVw3uV9M
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> SuStelhttp://trimboli.name
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