[tlhIngan Hol] Hech
sustel at trimboli.name
Fri Sep 29 10:40:53 PDT 2017
On 9/29/2017 1:23 PM, SuStel wrote:
> On 9/29/2017 1:12 PM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
>> The verb {Hech} is given as "intend, mean to".
>> However I wonder.. does it always have to have the meaning "mean to" ?
>> For example, can we say:
>> {{juH} vIHechbe'; {jul} vIHech}
>> I didn't mean {juH}, I meant {jul}
> Everyone uses it that way, but I'm not so sure. I think the object of
> *Hech* is a thing you intended to happen or to do, not a thing you
> intended to say or write. Saying and writing are things you do, but
> they require their own sentences; the actual content is not something
> you do.
> We know that *'e' Hech* is perfectly legal. *Hem tlhIngan Segh 'ej
> maHemtaH 'e' wIHech*/Klingons are a proud race, and we intend to go on
> being proud./ (TKW) There is one other *'e' Hech* example in TKW, and
> no other examples of *Hech* elsewhere at all.
> I would expect saying or doing to be /*juH*/*vIghItlh 'e' vIHechbe';
> /juH/ vIghItlh 'e' vIHech.* I'm on the fence whether saying would
> require a sentence-as-object-as-object: /*juH*/*jIjatlh 'e' vIHechbe';
> /jul/ jIjatlh 'e' vIHech* or whether a single word doesn't need to be
> treated as a quotation because it's not exactly a sentence anyway.
I do think there are ways to use *Hech* that don't involve *'e'.* Here's
an example:
nablIj wIlajchugh qaS Qugh. nab vIHechbogh jIH wIlajchugh maQapchu'.
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