[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: vung

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri Sep 29 11:10:42 PDT 2017

> It's not wrong. It's just not using Klingon in its strongest way.

ok, I understand ! thank you for explaining this !


On Sep 29, 2017 21:05, "SuStel" <sustel at trimboli.name> wrote:

> On 9/29/2017 1:53 PM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> I still don't understand..{qay'wI'} for "something that is a problem" is
> wrong ?
> qunnoq
> On Sep 29, 2017 20:50, "SuStel" <sustel at trimboli.name> wrote:
>> On 9/29/2017 1:42 PM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
>> ghunchu'wI':
>> > toH.  «qay'wI'» DalaDDI', nuq Dayaj?
>> I would understand "something that is a problem". Am I wrong ?
>> *vungwI'** something that hurricanes.*
> No, *qay'wI'* is *something that is a problem.* But you were having
> trouble understanding *vungwI',* so ghunchu'wI' compared it to *qay'wI',*
> which you use all the time.
> Personally, I wouldn't use *qay'wI'* as often as you do, and wouldn't at
> all for *hurricane.* I wouldn't say *qay'wI' vIghaj* or *qay'wI' tu'lu';*
> I'd say *qay' vay'.* I WOULD use *qay'wI'* in a sentence like *qay'wI'
> yIngu'** Identify the thing that is a problem.* But once that had been
> identified, I would at most use it as an adjectival verb: *jolvoy' qay'
> vItI'** I fix the problematical transporter ionizer unit.* Klingon likes
> precision.
> It's not wrong. It's just not using Klingon in its strongest way.
> --
> SuStelhttp://trimboli.name
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