[tlhIngan Hol] reH Human leghDI' vIghro'

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Fri Sep 29 11:15:35 PDT 2017

On 9/29/2017 1:45 PM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> And I liked a lot the {tera' vIghro'}. I will be using it from now on, 
> in order to differentiate from the tlhIngan vIghro'.

That's the classic /Star Trek/ way of naming alien animals. Call it 
something from Earth, possibly give it a descriptor, and stick a planet 
name in front of it. Aldebaran shellmouth, Alverian dung beetle, Edosian 
suckerfish, Rafalian mouse.


So it only makes sense that Klingons do the same in reverse: everything 
is compared to a Klingon animal, and you stick a planet name in front of 
it. *reghuluS 'Iwghargh, DenIb Qatlh. tera' vIghro'.*

Once in a great while the writers will actually come up with a native 
word for an animal. Mugato or sehlat, for instance. Pay attention when 
you catch one of these; when it first appears it signals a story worth 
paying attention to.


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