[tlhIngan Hol] Spoils of war

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Thu Sep 14 10:24:49 PDT 2017

On 9/14/2017 12:59 PM, qurgh lungqIj wrote:
> The Klingons that raided the dilithium mines in Enterprise always 
> seemed like they weren't part of the military machine, but were 
> independent pirates in their beat-up transport ship. 

You can't selectively exclude a segment of society when you're trying to 
demonstrate the society doesn't do what that segment does. Being 
military or not doesn't matter here. We're asking whether Klingon has a 
word for /spoils,/ not whether the Klingon government approves of 

So we're agreed that the answer to the question, what is the Klingon 
word for /spoils/?/,/ is not "Klingons don't despoil," yes?


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