[tlhIngan Hol] info about Star Trek Discovery from Toronto FanExpo

Alan Anderson qunchuy at alcaco.net
Tue Sep 12 12:38:44 PDT 2017

On Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 2:47 PM, De'vID <de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com> wrote:

> > Ahh. HIvqa' veqlargh! I thought it was common knowledge that he made the
> > first batleth in that way. I guess it was just common knowledge that he
> made
> > it in general, although saying he used hair and lava doesn't actually
> > explain how he made it!
> pegh'a'? paq'batlhDaq lutvam laDlaH vay' jay'.

paq'batlh lutqoq yIHarQo'. ngebqu'.

The details in the paq'batlh are a myth told to the public.

   jIbDaj lumeQmoH
   jIbDaj lumeQmoH
   qul bIQtIQ qulHommey

   jIbDaj lumeQmoH
   'ej bejtaHvIS
   baS moj jIb

According to the popular story, sparks from the river of fire land in his
hair and burn it into the metal from which he forges the first betleH.

The secret, kept by the clerics, is that Kahless intentionally took a lock
of his hair and plunged it into the lava. When the returned Kahless
recounts that story instead of the one recorded in the paq'batlh, it's
supposed to be proof that he is indeed who he claims to be.  (The *true*
truth is revealed eventually, of course.)

-- ghunchu'wI'
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