[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: wa'DIch

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Sep 11 06:51:39 PDT 2017

Klingon word: wa'DIch
Part of speech: num
Definition: first

Most examples are fairly straightforward, but note that in Monopoly {wa'Dich} was used in the sense of "original":

Quj wa'DIch MONOPOLY Huch nav qa' tlhIngan QaS 
Klingon forces replace original MONOPOLY bills.  MKE

Quj wa'DIch juH qachmey mebpa'mey je qa' raQmey chu' monmey chu' je 
Custom OUTPOSTS and CAPITALS replace original Houses and Hotels.  MKE

nentay wa'DIch 	First Rite of Ascension KGT
puqloD wa'DIch 	first-born son PB
veng wa'DIch 		First City KGT
yaS wa'DIch 		first officer KGT

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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