[tlhIngan Hol] vengDaq, vengmeyDaq je

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Sep 6 06:45:49 PDT 2017

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Silver

paqbatlh has a few examples of different ways to say "one by one" which could also be used as a basis of translations of the other phrase.  Here's a couple that omit {ngIq}:

{Hegh wa' ghIq Hegh latlh.} glossed as "one-by-one they fell" 

{wa' qa' nuD veqlargh, latlh qa' nuD veqlargh.} glossed as "the Fek'lhr inspects them one by one" 

Still, on a related note, I've been having problems recently trying to figure out a reasonable way, with or without {ngIq}, to say "atom by atom [something happens]" and "cell by cell [something else happens]".

Interesting; I was thinking of {latlh} just last night.  Some examples of {ngIq} for comparison:

ngIq nuv luHoH 
they killed the warriors one by one. ('u'-OPERA)

yerchajvo' Haw' qamchIynganpu' ngIq nuv luHoH 
The people of Qam-Chee, they fled their territory, and were killed one by one (PB)

nIteb chegh molor ngIq ghoqwI' 
One by one Molor's scouts return (PB)

ngIq raQvaD cha'maH vagh QaS yInob 
For each outpost pay 25 forces. (MKE)

ngIq gholvaD vaghmaH QaS yInob 
Pay each player 50 forces. (MKE)

ngIq gholvo' wa'maH QaS yItlhap 
Collect 10 forces from every player. (MKE)

BTW notice the absence of {-taH} or {-qa'} on the verbs.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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